Entertain on a budget

How to Entertain on a Budget

The New Year is the perfect time to revisit your hosting style, especially with the winter months dragging us down. Here are some easy ways to cut back on entertaining costs without cutting back on the quality of your parties:

Have everyone bring something

Whether you want to go all-out potluck or cook a few main dishes yourself and have others brings sides and desserts, asking your guests to bring something to share can drastically reduce the amount you spend on food and drink. It also makes it easier on you as host — even with big parties, if everyone brings a dish, you can feed the whole group without spending the entire time in the kitchen slaving over the stove.

Serve a signature drink

Rather than worrying about stocking a full bar to make everyone’s drink of choice, consider making a signature drink or two for the night. Not only does it keep the bill down, but it makes it easier on you as “bartender.” Just mix up a big pitcher at a time, and guests can serve themselves!

Consider a lighter menu

Who says you need to serve a full four-course meal? Especially after the holidays, when people can start to get a bit gluttoned-out, consider trying something different and serving a selection of appetisers and desserts instead of an entire meal. It lets your guests mingle more easily when you serve finger food, and it’s a fun departure from the norm. You could even make it themed, like hosting a wine and cheese or fondue party.

Choose minimal, but powerful, decorations

You don’t need to bling out your house until it’s overwhelming; you just need to make it look festive and inviting. For a party, this could mean a wreath on the door, a string of lights in the dining room, and some festive plates. You don’t need to add too many bobbles and doodads — if anything, it only makes your home look cluttered.

Consider “atmosphere” as a type of decoration

Background music, candlelight, and fragrance (from candles, oil diffusers or plug-ins) can go a long way towards setting the tone of a party. Making a custom playlist for the party and scattering a handful of votives throughout your rooms can be an easy (and inexpensive) way to give guests a festive experience without having to actually “decorate” much.

Only spruce up the main rooms

This applies both to decorating and cleaning (or paying someone to clean). Guests tend to congregate in three main areas—the entryway, the living room/great room, and the kitchen—with occasional trips to the bathroom and maybe a spare bedroom if that’s where they’re throwing their coats. So tidy up these areas, shut the doors on the rest, and don’t worry about them.

Borrow things you don’t have

If you’re just starting out or don’t have enough to host a large number of people, don’t run out and buy new linens, serving dishes, and other items. Consider asking friends and family if you can borrow theirs. Especially if you don’t entertain frequently, this might make much more sense than spending money on things you’ll rarely use.


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